Vallecito Dam Construction Project


Looking downstream in spillway channel (5)
Looking downstream in spillway channel from station 7+35., Original photo number: Pine R - 380
Looking downstream in spillway channel (6)
Looking downstream in spillway channel from right side at sta. 14+40. Note backfilling operations along right wall., Original photo number: Pine R - 402
Looking into piezometer terminal well
Looking down into piezometer terminal well, showing pump, valves, and gauge. Refer to Drawing No. 191-D-227, Test apparatus installation., Original photo number: Pine R - 130 a, b, & c
Looking toward left abutment
Looking toward left abutment from sta. 14+60 in cut-off trench. Excavation for trench across the river is complete and ready for refilling., Original photo number: Pine R - 061
Looking toward left abutment (1)
Looking toward left abutment along alignment of secondary cut-off trench from axis station 16+00. The trench has been refilled with compacted embankment in foreground., Original photo number: Pine R - 147
Looking toward left abutment (2)
Looking toward left abutment from end of secondary cut-off trench opposite station 16+50, showing embankment placing operations in old river channel., Original photo number: Pine R - 150
Looking toward left abutment (3)
Looking toward left abutment from station 16+50. Placing impervious embankment in old river channel., Original photo number: Pine R - 091
Looking toward left abutment along upstream face
Looking along upstream face of dam toward left abutment from station 24+00. Bulldozer is being used to place riprap after being dumped from trucks. Note small average size of pieces compared with hat in foreground., Original photo number: Pine R - 032
Looking toward left abutment from concrete plant
Looking toward left abutment from top of concrete mixing plant. Smoke is caused by clearing operations on left side of river. Material being rolled in foreground is the semi-pervious (No. 3) section of the dam., Original photo number: Pine R - 116
Looking toward left abutment from stair shaft
Looking toward left abutment from top of stair shaft at 37+00, 20 ft. upstream from axis, showing different types of soil used in fill., Original photo number: Pine R - 071
Looking toward right abutment
Looking toward right abutment in bottom of cut-off trench from station in 10+50. Note sand deposit on left side., Original photo number: Pine R - 124
Looking toward right abutment
Looking toward right abutment from station 19+50, 30 ft. right of axis at the upstream No. 2 section of embankment. To the right of this section are piled the cobbles recovered from one lift of embankment in the upstream part of No. 2 zone. This section was approximately 50 feet wide when the photograph was taken., Original photo number: Pine R - 105
