Vallecito Dam Construction Project


Roller No. 2 in operation
Roller No. 2 in operation on impervious section of embankment., Original photo number: Pine R - 223
Rolling section of embankment
Rolling semi-impervious section of embankment. (Roller is the No. 1 roller. Note cant of carriage frame.), Original photo number: Pine R - 220
Sand and gravel excavation
Dragline excavating sand and gravel for 18-inch filter blanket at downstream toe of dam., Original photo number: Pine R - 200
Screening plant (1)
Screening plant erected by contractor to remove plus 5-inch stones from earth borrow materials., Original photo number: Pine R - 392
Screening plant (2)
Screening plant erected by contractor to remove plus 5-inch stones from earth borrow materials. Plant is located approximately 1500 feet upstream from dam on left side of reservoir. Refer to Pine R - 320., Original photo number: Pine R - 423
Screening plant (3)
Screening plant erected by contractor to remove plus 5-inch stones from earth borrow materials. Plant is located approximately 1500 feet upstream from the dam on left side of reservoir. Refer to Pine R - 320 and 354., Original photo number: Pine R - 449
Screening plant (4)
Screening plant for separating materials from required excavation., Original photo number: Pine R - 447
Screening plant (5)
Screening plant for concrete aggregates. Located about one mile upstream from the dam., Original photo number: Pine R - 451
Screening plant (6)
Screening plant for concrete aggregates., Original photo number: Pine R - 231
Sealing expansion joints
Installing extruded rubber seal in expansion joint in spillway floor after joint had been partially filled with latex and road oil., Original photo number: Pine R - 363
Showing mechanical tamping of embankment
Looking toward right abutment in cut-off trench, showing mechanical tamping of embankment over foundation drainage system., Original photo number: Pine R - 236
Smoothing Borrow Pit floor
Looking upstream in Borrow Pit No. 1. Dozers and auto patrol are smoothing floor of pit preparatory to taking final cross-sections., Original photo number: Pine R - 159
