
Collection for organization entities.


University of Northern Colorado
The University of Northern Colorado is a public baccalaureate and graduate research university located in Greeley, Colorado.
Vail Players: Melodrama Theatre Group 1966 - 1971
During the 1960s, Vail, Colorado was a fledgling ski town and the community often created its own entertainment. Spearheaded by John and Cissy Dobson, Lillian Miller, and Ted Poliac, the Vail Players melodrama theatre group operated between1966 and 1971, with its season running from June until October. Performances were often sold out and proceeds supported community projects such as the medical clinic and Vail Interfaith Chapel. On 31 December 1971, the Vail Players performed for a Vail Clinic fundraiser and “… out-of-town guests included House Republican Minority Leader, Congressman Gerald Ford of Michigan and his wife and youngsters …” John Dobson wrote and directed the productions. Community members participated as actors and worked behind the scenes with props, costumes, make-up and hairstyling, live music, or otherwise assisted with advertisement, set design, stage production and hosting the melodramas. Known Vail Players productions included: 1966 “Curse you, Sterling Finesoul,” 1967 “Abner Grubstake’s Secret,” 1968 “Dirty Doings at the Depot,” 1969 “Widow Heartaches Revenge,” 1970 “Aunty Bellum’s Last Stand,” and 1971 “Curse You, Villain” and “Snowplow and How!” Known actors and players included: Bob Allen, Shelley Barthel, Diane Burt, Jerome “Jerry” Blackwell III, Stephanie Cherin, Barbara Cooke, Karen Daly, JoAnn Deardorf, Brigette Duvall, Brooke Meyer Franzgen, Joan Garton, Barbara Gillmore, Kay Kauzlaurich, Jackie Klein, Merv Lapin, Dennis Mikottis, Lillian Miller, Buddy and Beverly Piper, Ted Poliac, Mark Rabin, George Rau, Red Shelsta, Marty Simmons, Carol Strickland, George Ward, and Jim Wolfe.
Vail Public Library
Vail Public Library is the municipal library for the Town of Vail in Vail, Colorado. The library has been located in its current location since 1983. Vail Public Library offers access to information resources of many types to serve the needs of Vail’s guests, residents, businesses and schools. The library holdings include over 52,000 fiction, non-fiction, visual media, and audio books and more than 300 magazine subscriptions and newspapers in print or electronic format.
Vail Rugby Football Club (VRFC)
Discussion for starting a rugby club in Vail began in 1972. However, it was not until May of 1973 that Vail Rugby Football Club was born. Inaugural members included Player/Coach Charlie Penwill, who was also the Director of Vail Recreation District, and Jerry Stevens, who was owner of The Vail Athlete. Paul Ulrich, who was owner of Christy Sports, underwrote the startup effort in addition to being a player. Ed Johnson was the club’s first treasurer. “Give Blood – Play Rugby” underscored the recruitment efforts of players in addition to being a Vail Trail rugby sports column, Initially, Vail did not have an athletic field, so rugby games were played at Maloit Park south of Minturn.
Vail Ski School
The current name for the original Vail Ski School is Vail Ski & Snowboard School. This organization provides both group and private lessons from 3 locations in Vail: Golden Peak, Vail Village & Lionshead Village.
Vail Symposium
Founded in 1971, the Vail Symposium is the brainchild of former Vail Town Manager, Terry Minger, in concert with the Vail mayor at the time, John Dobson. Described as a “grass-roots … think tank,” the Vail Symposium focus is to share “ideas, education, art, politics, science, business and the environment” between the community of Vail and the world-at-large. Its mission is “to provide educational programs that are thought-provoking, diverse and affordable.” The Vail Symposium attracts an international, national, regional, and local following. In 1976, President Gerald R. Ford gave a landmark energy policy speech at the Vail Symposium. American artist and activist, Thomas Whelan Benton (1930 – 2007), created a series of eighteen Vail Symposium Art posters for the years 1971 to 1996. By 1987, the Symposium moved from under the Town of Vail’s wing and emerged as the second oldest non-profit organization in the community of Vail. Locally, the Vail Symposium supports the arts, sustainability and the environment. It has hosted two film festivals and helped develop the Town of Vail master plan. Presenters at the Vail Symposium include an impressive list of civic leaders and activists, scientists and scholars, journalists and authors, in addition to architects, artists, athletes and others. Terry Minger edited two books that were associated with the Vail Symposium: Minger, Terrell J. and Sherry D. Oaks. Growth Alternatives for the Rocky Mountain West: Papers From the Vail Symposium V. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1976. The Introduction was written by Oregon Governor Tom McCall. Remarks from President Gerald R. Ford, Colorado Governor Richard D. Lamm, New York City Mayor John V. Lindsay and United Nations Environment Program Director, Dr. Noel Brown are featured. Minger, Terrell J. Greenhouse Glasnost: The Crisis of Global Warming. NYC: Ecco Press - Institute for Resource Management, 1990. The introduction was written by Robert Redford. Essayists include Dr. Carl Sagan, US Senator Bill Bradley of New Jersey, Drs. Paul and Anne Ehrlich of Stanford University, Dr. Noel Brown, Director of the United Nations Environment Program, and Chief Oren Lyons, Faithkeeper of the Onandaga Nation.
