Real estate appraisal card. 200 E. 1st, lots 15 & 16, block 3, in Salida, Colorado. This card is mislabeled as 304 1st Street.
The eastern part of this building appears to have been erected on or before 1926, as it appears in a 1926 photograph. The 1929 Sanborn map labels it a store. The 1930-31 city directory lists Waggoner's Tire Shop, operated by Ray S. and Harry E. Waggoner, at this address. The 1945 Sanborn map shows two buildings: a filling station and a tire service. The present building was erected after 1945, apparently encompassing the older tire service building. The 1951 city directory lists two businesses at this address: Bob's Tire Shop (operated by Frank· Craig) and Corder's Drive-in Restaurant (operated by Irvin Corder).
History Colorado's Architectural Inventory Forms have more information and are available at the Salida Library.