A KOTO Radio show, called Friday Live, which aired on June 11, 1982 in Telluride, Colorado. Jerry Greene interviews Brian Rapp, the President of the Telluride Company. Topics discussed include:
1.) Brian's background, including places he has lived.
2.) Brian's career, including his county/executive positions, and his career with the Telluride Company and it's history.
3.) Brian's background and participation in sports.
4.) Brian's career in government work, specifically his views of economic policies.
5.) The gondola--Brian believes it makes sense to link the two towns of Mt. Village and Telluride.
6.) The Hard Rock festival proposed.
7.) Snow making.
8.) The airport proposal (Brian believes Telluride needs an airport to connect to the rest of the world).
9.) When will the Telluride Company start earning a profit? Brian believes when Mt. Village gets developed, when the ski area gets improved, and when an airport is created.
10.) How to develop the ski area to make money? And other ski area development projects (what Brian has learned from other ski area resorts).
Supported in part by an award from the Colorado Historical Records Advisory Board, through funding from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), National Archives Records Administration