A KOTO Radio show, called Friday Live, in which Jerry Greene interviews Dr. David Bachman. Dr. Bachman is the local orthopedic doctor at the Telluride Medical Center. David was born in Illinois, grew-up in Indiana, but went back to Illinois to attend the University of Northwestern. He started working as an orderly and then realized he wanted to become a physician. Dr. Bachman likes carpentry so he thought orthopedics would be a good fit for him, since this is basically putting people's bones back together with hardware. David also writes a sports column, wrote a book, and is known as Dr. Jock, in his Denver Post column.
The doctor treats many sports-related injuries in Telluride as Telluride has many athletes. Jerry reads some questions from patients to Dr. Bachman and he answers these questions. The two then discuss fitness options in Telluride. David mentions that down-hill skiing is not an anabolic type of fitness. He recommends people run, bike, swim, cross-county ski, or walk, instead (or in addition to) down-hill skiing.
Dr. Bachman keeps up-to-date on his profession by attending conferences, reading, and speaking with colleagues.
He believes Telluride offers excellent orthopedic services, besides surgery (which is only available in Montrose or Grand Junction). He plans to disseminate orthopedic information to Telluride residents by providing local clinics and continuing to answer column letters.
Supported in part by an award from the Colorado Historical Records Advisory Board, through funding from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), National Archives Records Administration