Carl Johnson Collection


Sheep Farm, San Luis Valley (?)
Photographer unknown
Sheep Farm, San Luis Valley (?)
Photographer unknown
Sheep Farm, San Luis Valley (?)
In image at lower right: C 1923/ The Wilhelms; On back of image, on cardboard: Triumph/ TYPEWRITER PAPER
Snow on the Mountains, San Luis Valley (?)
In image at lower let: C 1924/ The Wilhelms
Stock Exhibit, Fair, San Luis Valley
In image at lower right: The Wilhelms
Stock Exhibit, Fair, San Luis Valley
In image at lower right: The Wilhelms
Stock Show, Fair, Monte Vista, San Luis Valley
In image at lower right: The Wilhelms of Alamosa
Stock Show, Fair, Monte Vista, San Luis Valley
In image at lower right: The Wilhelms
Stock Show, Fair, Monte Vista, San Luis Valley
In image at lower left: The Wilhelms of Alamosa
