"Earl and Hollis Brooks both loved baseball and one of the first things they did after coming to McCoy was to organize a baseball team from local talent. They whipped up a good team in no time and played other small towns. ... When the men came in for the construction of the Dotsero Cutoff Earl didn't let any grass grow under his feet until he had two teams organized among them and a diamond laid out on his place near the bridge." -- McCoy Memoirs, p. 154
The McCoy baseball team of 1914. Standing are: Ben Butler, third base; George Nimon, outfielder; Ben Sharp, outfielder; Sadie Klumker, outfielder; Rudolph Ebert, catcher; Jud Lyon, first base.
Seated: Bill Babcock, pitcher; Hollis Brooks, pitcher; Phil Hines, manager; Martin Schomers, shortstop; Earl Brooks, second base
[Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]