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Lobby and Dining Room of Shrine Lodge
An interior view of the lobby and dining room of Shrine Lodge. Shrine Lodge was located in Red Cliff. It's slogan was that it was the "Starting place for Mt. Holy Cross." The lodge opened on June 10, 1928. Josephine Stevenson was the first proprietor of the lodge. She sold the lodge in September of 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Malmborg of Chicago. By April of 1944, the lodge had been sold to Kathryn Holmes, who in turn sold the lodge to Mr. and Mrs. Buck Beatty in August of 1945. The property would again be sold in May of 1946 to a businessman from Denver, and then again in February of 1948 to LeMoyne Locke of Canon City.
The lodge was repaired in September of 1951 following a small fire. Ruby Daly purchased the lodge in November of 1954, who sold it to Percy Byers in 1956. Byers would later sell the lodge to Avery Rich in March of 1958. By 1965 the lodge was no longer in operation.
In the 1930s, a room was advertised for "$1.50 and up," and each room included hot and cold water and steam heat.
Locating Claims
Sean Whelan with Clarence Dubach and Barbara Gabelman, locating claims at the New York cabins, in July 1966.