Man standing with cane next to tree stump in front of painted backdrop., A full story is in "Pioneers of the San Juan Vol. I". An employee of 1st National Bank.
Fred Harmon riding his horse in the Durango Fiesta parade. Four negatives., Fred Harmon, creator of the Red Rider comic strip, resided in Pagosa Springs (his home is now a private museum).
Telephone lines and houses in front of mountains in Rico, Colorado., View east along Mantz Ave. from corner of Glascow and Mantz Ave. Duplicate can be found in II-33-08A
Two men on horseback leading a mule., Caption: "Gold Bullion mule leaving Tomboy Mine for the Express office 1918. Two bars each weighing 50#. Gross value of mule load $15,000." Location of negative: Western Colorado Power Company Collection.