Collection for person entities.
Bryan McHugh
His real name was William Jennings Bryan. He was the twin brother of Charlie McHugh, and a clerk in the yardmaster's office for the D&RG Railroad in 1921. He passed away in Denver.
Bryan Patterson
A field paleontologist at the Chicago Field Museum who was brought in to inspect a fossil discovery on Riggs Hill on the Redlands.
Bryanna Sylvester
Contributor to "Just One More Day: A Gunnison Valley Journal," (source: Just One More Day: A Gunnison Valley Journal)
Bryony Brack
Contributor to "The place they like best", (source: The place they like best A Gunnison Valley Journal.)
Buck Lowe
A long-time KOTO volunteer radio DJ, from the late 1970's, until the 1990's. Buck married Lynne Rae Lowe in 1982. Buck was the creator of the Buzz & Buck KOTO Radio show, along with Terry Selby (Buzz Bizarrio), which lasted from 1977 until 1988. In addition to the Buzz and Buck KOTO Radio shows, Buck went on to form "The Morning Show", which discussed his famous "Free Box Report" and the Nursebowl Parade show. He also created the SRO (Standing Room Only) KOTO Radio shows, that were based on the TV show: Saturday Night Live.
Buck was well-known at making people laugh. He eventually moved to Tucson, Arizona, where he earned a Broadcasting degree and landed a career at a Tucson radio station.
Buck won KOTO Radio's Silver Tongue Award and KOTO's Lifetime Achievement Award.
--Information taken from a conversation with Lynn Rae Lowe, 4/10/19.