
Collection for person entities.


Cherri Sergo
Contributor to "In Our Own Write," (source: In Our Own Write: A Gunnison Valley Journal)
Cheryl Ward
A volunteer with the Mesa County Oral History Project
Cheryl Ward
A volunteer with the Mesa County Oral History Project.
Chester B. Nichols
He and his wife Cora Nichols moved their family from Philadelphia to Mesa County in 1909, and established a fruit farm on Orchard Avenue near the Fruitvale area. He also owned and operated the New Method Laundry and the Armory Building, which were side-by-side on Rood Avenue. For a time, he operated the L&M Fruit Packing Company. He sometimes sprayed crops for the Goodwin-Latimer Company.
Chester Dooley
Chester was a student at H Street School in the late 19th century.
Chester Earnest
He was born in Nebraska to Hugh Burton Earnest, a farmer and rancher born in Colorado, and Ella Christina (Will) Earnest, a homemaker whose parents were German immigrants. The 1910 US Census shows Chester living with his parents in Warren, Wyoming, and the 1920 Census shows the family living in the Sunlight area of Garfield County, Colorado, when Chester was 13 years old. Chester grew up on a ranch there. Following an apprenticeship in Greeley, he became a builder with his own construction business. He married Gladys Bradley in Denver in 1937.
