
Collection for person entities.


Cy Orr
A cowpuncher/cowboy from the Paradox Valley area who died of rectal cancer and is buried above the bridge in Bedrock, Colorado. He had also been a cowboy in Argentina. In his old age, he developed eye cancer. According to Andrew Riddle, Orr allowed blowfly maggots to occupy his cancerous eye. Riddle believed this prolonged Orr's life. He was buried in what was possibly the first commercial casket brought into Paradox.
Cynthia Callahan
Cynthia was born in Beloit, Wisconsin, and grew up on her family’s dairy farm. Her love of art led her to study at points near and far, including Beloit College, the Art Institute of Chicago (where she also later taught), the University of Hawaii and in Mexico City. Cynthia met John in 1959 on a ski trip in Sun Valley. After marrying and starting a family in Los Angeles, they decided a life in the mountains - Aspen specifically - was the place for them. Cynthia was also always active in the community, volunteering for many years with the Aspen School District’s Accountability Committee, the Thrift Shop, Historical Society, Ski Club, St. Mary’s Church, and Pitkin County 4-H, and numerous other organizations. First and foremost, however, Cynthia was a mother, not only to her own children but also to numerous exchange students, their families and visiting ski teams. Cynthia was one of the leaders of the Roaring Fork Kennel Club and instrumental in bringing one of the largest and most popular dog shows in Colorado to Aspen. After her children were grown, Cynthia returned to art. President of the Western Slope Watercolor Society for several years, her artwork has been shown and won awards in numerous art shows.--Aspen Hall of Fame website, inductee bio.
