Collection for person entities.
Emily Hunter
Homemaker on the Hunter Ranch, which she settled with her husband, James "J.B." Baker Hunter. The Hunter Ranch was on an area east of Fruita that later became known as the Hunter District.
Emily Jane (Scatliff) Young
She was born in Chicago, Illinois to David Scatliff, a clerk, and Emily Scatliff, a homemaker. She was raised as an Episcopalian. As a child she took care of her mother and sister, who were both in poor health. She completed high school and some business college, and worked as a stenographer before she was married. She also took many odd jobs during hard times for the family (e.g. was washerwoman to the town of Hotchkiss, Colorado during the early 1900s).
She married John Lawrence Young in Chicago on November 14, 1898. They later moved to Denver, Colorado. In 1910, they moved to Hotchkiss, because John had pursued a fraudulent land deal there that took the family’s life savings. They ended up renting a log cabin in Hotchkiss until they could purchase land on Bridge Street from the Hotchkiss family. She traded housekeeping services for music lessons for her daughter.
She went to Cleveland, Ohio for a surgery in 1913 (taking her daughter with her) but did not have enough money to make the return journey to Hotchkiss. Her husband moved to Kansas while she was still stuck in Cleveland. This was the effective end of the marriage. They divorced in 1914. She kept a vegetable garden to supply the family and also bought a large quantity of meat in the winter which could be kept in a meat house and be eaten from for months. She worked as an orchard hand for George Duke every harvest season when she was in Hotchkiss. She catered banquets for different lodges in the area from roughly 1916-1920.
She bought a restaurant from Frank Parker after her divorce and the family moved into the room above the restaurant. She became engaged to John Lydman but broke the engagement after he went to work in some mines for a time. She later remarried to an ex-convict in 1915. She worked as a cook in the Hotchkiss Hotel and worked at the Waunita Hot Springs (also securing a position for her daughter there) after her second marriage fell through.
The family they switched between the Hotchkiss Methodist and the Baptist churches on different Sundays but they did attend every Sunday. She played the piano and the organ.
When her daughter and husband moved to Grand Junction, she lived with them and helped care for her grandchildren. From 1936-38, she took over the role of dance instructor from Mabel Donaldson for WPA-funded courses. As part of this role, she put on plays given to her by the WPA and brought along games for onlookers to play. She also put on handicraft classes through the WPA program on the recommendation of Mabel Donaldson. The crafts taught included knitting, crochet, tatting, leather work, and wood burning. Under the WPA, she also took charge of the library housed in the Goodwill Industries building on South 5th Street.
Emily McLemore
Contributor to "Our River Our Valley", (source: Our River Our Valley: A Gunnison Valley Journal.)
Emily Moon
Emily was born and raised in Lafayette, CO. She married Elmer E. Moon on June 8, 1929. They had three children.
Emily R. Webb
Student at Colorado Christian University, graduated May, 2016.