
Collection for person entities.


Frank Simonetti Sr.
He was born in southern Italy and immigrated with his brothers to America in 1914, when he was about 17 years old. He lived and worked in Sudbury, New York before moving to Grand Junction, Colorado in November of 1914. He worked on the construction of the Highline Canal, returned to New York in spring of 1915, worked on the railroad between Little Platz and Sudbury, New York, spent 1916 working in Sheffield, Pennsylvania, moved to Chicago for February of 1917, worked in Utah (Salt Lake City, Ophir, and Pike City) doing mining work, and moved back to Grand Junction on April 13, 1918. He started working with the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad. After doing lower-level work for the railroad, he was promoted to Station manager and held that position for 30 years. He bought a home in 1918. During that time, he worked a seven-day work week and never had a day off. He retired on June 7, 1963. He married Angelina Audino, whose family had also immigrated from Italy, on June 1, 1919.
Frank Smith
Frank Smith moved with his wife, Elizabeth Smith, and children to Grand Junction in 1896. He was a carpenter who worked on the construction of the Colorado Sugar Manufacturing Company refinery, and many other projects.
Frank Suger
Next-door neighbor of "Vern" Wood in 1912, and a homesteader later in life on the Little Dolores River on Pinon Mesa (Mesa County, Colorado).
Frank Vader
Contributor to "Singing the lines of place: A Gunnison Valley Journal," Native of the Gunnison Valley who has grown up in the ranching life. (source: Singing the lines of place: A Gunnison Valley Journal)
