
Collection for person entities.


Fred Rowley
He was born in Buckley, Wales and immigrated to the United States, coming first to Illinois. He married Lora E. (Tilton) Rowley in 1895. In 1905, his father, who had moved previously to Palisade, Colorado and opened the Palisade Coal Mine, was killed by a team of runaway horses. Fred Rowley came to the funeral, and accepted the job of clerk for the mine office. He later became a peach grower. Father of Eugene Frederick Rowley.
Fred Saxton Hulburt
He was born to Daniel Hulburt and Lizzie (Watkins) Hulburt in Wisconsin. The family moved to West Palisade, Colorado in 1909, when Fred was fourteen years old. There, his father was a fruit farmer and the mailman for Vineland and areas east of Palisade. He attended the Mt. Lincoln School with fellow pupil and future U.S. Congressman Wayne Aspinall, and went to high school at Palisade High School. He worked as a mail delivery boy, a fruit farmer, a dairy farmer, and helped to build the Highline Canal above Cameo, Colorado. He also helped organized the Ute Water System, and served on the Ute Water board. In 1913 he married Faye (Stokes) Hulburt, his childhood sweetheart.
Fred Starr
He was born in Iowa. He was a farmer who began growing apples upon moving to Fruita, Colorado in 1906.
Fred Stones
Fred Stones was born in Utah where he also met his wife, Margie Clift. They were married in Utah in 1931 and had two children. They arrived in Lafayette, CO in September 1933. Fred had a career in the oil business from 1933 to 1950. He was elected to the school board, beginning in 1947. Fred owned the Gambles Hardware Store in Lafayette.
