
Collection for person entities.


Gertrude (Masser) Osborne
An early resident of Fruita, Colorado.
Gertrude Bowen
A one-time resident of the Gateway area of Mesa County, Colorado.
Gertrude D. (Geiger) Rader
She was born in Kannah Creek, Colorado and attended the Pride School near Whitewater. The Tabeguache band of Utes often camped near her home on their journey from the San Juans to Eastern Utah. She spent a good deal of time among them and claimed to have known Chipeta as a child. Gertrude became a schoolteacher at age 19 in 1919, and taught grades 1-5 in the Whitewater School, Loma Elementary School, the Hunter School, and in the Roan School. She also taught preschool and adult education courses at Mesa College (now Colorado Mesa University) for twenty-six years. As a teacher at the Loma School in 1920, she helped start Mesa County's first school hot lunch program. She married Arthur Rader in 1922 and moved to Loma, where Arthur was a farmer. They lived in the same house for 54 years. In Loma, she was a member of the Women’s Community Club, the Methodist Ladies Aid group, the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, the Reading Circle, and the local PTA.
