Collection for person entities.
Joe Lacy
From Englewood, Colorado. He worked as a traffic engineer in Englewood. He was the city manager of Grand Junction from February 1960 to July 1966. He was the main force behind the completion of Operation Foresight, which redesigned Main Street to make it more pedestrian friendly. He resigned from the position and went into commercial development. He was married and had more than one son. He continued to live in Colorado.
Joe Livingston
A sheep rancher from the Craig, Colorado area in the 1930's. He was involved in a prolonged suit regarding his grazing allotment under the Taylor Grazing Act.
Joe Lothamer
Contributor to "The place they like best", a painter and poet who has published one volume of his work. (source: The place they like best A Gunnison Valley Journal.)
Joe Marquez
José Simón "Joe" Marquez was born on his family's "old Spanish land grant" in Tomé, New Mexico (currently known as Tomé-Adelino, NM). Inspired by their love of skiing and motivated by their entrepreneurial spirits, Joe and Charlene Marquez relocated to the Gore Creek Valley in 1962. They raised their family in Minturn and West Vail. The Marquez children attended Vail Mountain School. Their son Patrick was a member of the ski team at the University of New Mexico and the U.S. Ski Team.
Joe Marquez served in the U.S. Army during the post World War II large-scale European reconstruction campaign. Simultaneously, he was part of the US Army's Third Armored Division exhibition baseball team. The baseball games were a local community goodwill gesture in the aftermath of war-torn Europe. Following his tour of duty, Marquez attended Los Angeles Harbor College and worked ten years for McDonnell Douglas Corporation in California.
After relocating to Minturn, Colorado, Joe Marquez was one of the earliest Town of Vail (TOV) employees. His TOV Maintenance Department supervisor was the late local historian and Gilman miner Pete Burnett. He also worked for Ranger William Sears (Bill) Brown at the Minturn Ranger Station of White RIver National Forest.
Marquez is known for his ingenuity, enterprise, and skill as a tradesman. He was the proprietor of service stations and several businesses in Vail and Minturn. In retirement, Joe Marquez has rediscovered his artistic talent; he enjoys painting and sculpture. He can also be found fishing the local streams and rivers of Eagle County or playing golf.
Joe Martinez
Joe Martinez began working in various mines near Lafayette, Colorado in 1944 and ended his career at the Clayton Coal Mine in 1975.
Joe Mathias
Joe Mathias was born on February 4, 1896 in South Wales and came to Lafayette, CO in 1910. He was a coal miner and fire chief in Lafayette. He also served on the Lafayette City Council.