
Collection for person entities.


John Edgar Chenoweth
He was a US representative from the 3rd Congressional District who helped Bob Rockwell in his campaign for the 4th Congressional District during a special election in 1941. He served in Congress until 1949, when he lost a bid for reelection. He returned to Trinidad and practiced law until his death in 1986. *Public domain photograph from US House of Representatives.
John Edward Bryant
He was born in Indiana to John Strange Byrant, a farmer, and Rachel Elvira Bryant, a homemaker. Indiana marriage records show him marrying Susan Warthen on September 24, 1872, when he was 22 years old. US Census records show them living in Gage County, Nebraska by 1880, where John was a farmer. Susan died in 1889 and John subsequently remarried to Anna Soule. US Census records show them living in Nebraska in 1900. By 1910, they lived in the Appleton area of Mesa County, Colorado, where John farmed and raised cattle. He was also a member and minister of the Church of the Brethren in Appleton, and, according to local historian Al Look, a strict, diehard enforcer of religious doctrine. His son was the locally famous artist Harold Bryant.
John Ellis Jones
He was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1860. He grew up in Kansas and followed first the baking and then the printing trade. In 1893, he came to Ridgeway, Colorado. He worked briefly on Ouray’s newspaper, The Plaindealer, before gaining employment in a mine. He later became a coach painter in the Denver & Rio Grande roundhouse.
John Etcheverry
Along with his brother, he was a Western Slope sheepherder and rancher. Both were Basque immigrants to Western Colorado.
John F. Wilson
Cattlemen's Days Parade Marshall 1999. Born in Powderhorn to Fred and Jesse Wilson. Moved to Parlin 1931. Married Barbara Joan Adams 1945. Great fan and boosters of Cattlemen's Days (source: Cattlemen's Days Brochure 1999).
