Collection for person entities.
John Gaylen Locke
At one time Locke was the principal Ku Klux Klan figure in Colorado. He lived and worked in Denver and was said to be "very crooked".
John Gini
"Fr John's departure from this earth was sooner than had been anticipated. But as the Apostle Paul wrote to his dear friend, Timothy … " …I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith…." 2 Timothy 4:7. In the past few months he had been planning for a big 50th anniversary celebration of his ordination. Sadly - he will not physically be with his other 3 classmates on that day… but will be with them in spirit. They began this journey on 12/21/63. His sister Mary was with him at Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles when he died. He is survived by sisters Mary (Chuck) Smillie, Evelyn Emerson, and Kathleen Haddadin; nephews, nieces, and their children; cousins; extended families of precious friends and his Brothers in Christ."
--Taken from:, link accessed 5/4/21
Father John Gini was the pastor for Our Lady of Sorrows church in Nucla, Colorado and for St. Patrick's church in Telluride, Colorado in the 1980's. He was orginally from Salt Lake City and attended seminaries in California. He was ordained in 1963.
--Taken from:
Link Accessed 5/4/21.