
Collection for person entities.


Kathy Darrow
Contributor to "Singing the lines of place: A Gunnison Valley Journal," Freelance writer, botanist, mom and adventured who published Wild about Wildflowers. (source: Singing the lines of place: A Gunnison Valley Journal)
Kathy Heicher
Kathy Lell Heicher was fresh out of college in 1972 when she came to the Eagle Valley to take a job as editor of the local weekly newspaper, the Eagle Valley Enterprise. A graduate of Colorado State University with a degree in journalism, Heicher has written stories for local newspapers and magazines in the valley and in the region for 40 years. Her writing has been recognized with a number of state and national awards. Now retired from newspaper reporting, Heicher has turned her attention and writing skills to preserving Eagle County history. She has written three local history books, Early Eagle, Eagle County Characters, and The Bridges of Eagle County. She writes periodic history columns for the Vail Daily newspaper. Heicher has served as president of the Eagle County Historical Society for more than a decade. Kathy lives in Eagle, Colorado with her husband, Bill Heicher, who is a retired Colorado Division of Wildlife manager for the Eagle District.
Kathy Norris
Contributor to "Our River Our Valley", (source: Our River Our Valley: A Gunnison Valley Journal.)
