
Collection for person entities.


Kip Wood
Kip Wood knew John "Peg-Leg" Foster during his youth in Telluride, Colorado. Wood was a poet who thought of his poems during his time riding the range as a cowboy, and when he was in jail. He went to school until 5th grade, and was on his own from the age of thirteen. He worked for the Caby Yard and other ranching outfits. He also wintered once with Butch Cassidy, and knew Jim Clark of Telluride, who was sheriff when Cassidy’s gang robbed the bank.
Kirsten Dickey
Contributor to "Being Here: A Gunnison Valley Journal," (source: Being Here: A Gunnison Valley Journal)
Kirtis Woodman
Student at Adams State University.
Kiska Rudibaugh
Cattlemen's Days 1971 Princess (source: Cattlemen's Days 1971 Souvenir Program)
