Collection for person entities.
Kumiko Yoshihara
Kumiko "Kate" Yoshihara was born in Los Angeles in 1914. Her parents sent Kate and her twin back to Japan to be raised by her grandmother until she came back to LA in 1927 at age 13. She married Yasuparo Yoshihara at age 20. Kate and her family were placed in a Japanese Internment Camp and lost their farm. They were then moved to a camp in Apache, Colorado. After leaving the camp, they worked for various farms in Colorado and in produce. Kate and her family moved to Lafayette in 1944. In 1949, they opened a flower shop. Kate and Yasuparo had five children.
Kyah Stevens
Contributor to "2020: The Hammer and The Dance: A Gunnison Valley Journal," (source:2020: The Hammer and The Dance : A Gunnison Valley Journal).
Kyle Webb
Kyle Webb was the twentieth Artist in Residence at Mesa County Libraries 970West Studio. He served as the Artist in Residence from January 9 to April 17, 2023.
Kyle remembers the sound of his father's film SLR taking photos that in a week or two would be projected on the wall of their home. In high school, Kyle got his own film camera and even dabbled some in the darkroom. In school, his focus was graphic and industrial design, but photography was always a part of any of his creative expressions. He is thankful he had the good fortune of being on the bleeding edge of digital photography when it was in its infancy. Kyle married Cinda in 1984 and they raised two boys in Irvine, CA, where he worked for 25 years as a Design Director and Photographer specializing in event, portrait and architectural photography. He also enjoys Urbex photography (capturing images in deteriorating and abandoned structures) and finding beauty in the forgotten and discarded, particularly with vintage lenses on his digital cameras. And because he's a car enthusiast, his portfolio includes many automotive images. In 2018, Kyle & Cinda moved to Grand Junction, their favorite small town vacation spot. He now works out of his home office as a graphic designer and photographer and is inspired by the textures in the Grand Valley as seen through his vintage lenses. Because of his joy in inspiring others to creatively tell their own stories through photography, he also volunteers in the 970West Studio helping lead photography classes.
Kylee Spencer
2008 Cattlemen's Days Junior Miss, (from 2008 Cattlemen's Days Brochure)
Kyleena Falzone
Contributor to "2020: The Hammer and The Dance: A Gunnison Valley Journal," (source:2020: The Hammer and The Dance : A Gunnison Valley Journal). Owner-Manager of the Secret Stash in CB.