
Collection for person entities.


Lucas Melvin "Luke" Rogers
He was born in Missouri Valley, Iowa to John Wesley Rogers and Sarah A.P. Rogers. His father was a carpenter. His mother was a homemaker. According to his son, Don Rogers, Luke moved to the Appleton area of Mesa County, Colorado shortly before 1900. Census records show that his parents had moved to Mesa County by 1910. Colorado marriage records show that he married Anna Rebecca Bowman in 1907. According to the 1910 US Census record, they were farmers in Appleton in 1910. He also worked for the Midland Railroad He wanted to go into cattle ranching and by 1920, census records show him working as the caretaker for a stock farm while living in Fisher, Colorado, an area on the Redlands near the Black Bridge (just across from Orchard Mesa). Luke Rogers also homesteaded 1280 acres on East Creek on Pinon Mesa with his father, John Wesley. By 1930, Luke, Anna and their sons had moved their primary residence to Orchard Mesa. In 1940, with his wife passed away, Luke Rogers was living as a lodger with Maynard and Evelyn Palmatier. In 1950 he was living alone at 221 Teller Avenue in Grand Junction. He died at the age of 89. According to Don Rogers, his father always carried a .44 Smith and Wesson and was fast on the draw.
