
Collection for person entities.


Martha Evelyn (Newbury) Hamilton
She was born in Wisconsin to George Newbury and Martha Cordelia (Webster) Newbury. Her father was a farmer and her mother was a homemaker. She came with her parents to Mesa County, Colorado in 1889, where her family had a homestead and fruit growing operation. Colorado marriage records show that she married Samuel James Hamilton, a wallpaper installer and housepainter, on February 18, 1893. They homesteaded together north of Fruita. They moved to Ohio in 1893 in order to care for Samuel’s mother. Martha and her daughter Cordelia returned to Colorado to visit her parent’s homestead in 1894. During the visit, a fire destroyed their home in Ohio. The family purchased a home at 15 South Peach Street in Fruita. Martha took in laundry work from other families to provide extras for her children, such as piano lessons.
Martha Jane (Curry) Hohstadt
Married Charles H. Hohstadt in 1876.
