Collection for person entities.
Mary E. Hanks
Mary Hanks was born January 18, 1848 and died January 16, 1940. Mary was married to Albert E. Hanks and raised 8 children in Salida, Colorado.
Mary Elenor (Bryan) Massey
An Irish immigrant who immigrated to Colorado and settled with her husband in the Mesa County sometime between 1900 and 1910.
Irish birth records show that she was born in Ireland in 1873. US ship passenger lists show that she arrived in Pennsylvania on the Southwark on June 23, 1894. Colorado marriage records show that she married Eben Massey in Colorado Springs on April 28, 1896.
According to US Census records, the family lived in Colorado Springs in 1900, where Eben was a dairy farmer and Mary was a homemaker. They had moved to Mesa County by 1910, with the census showing that Mary had been widowed, and listing her as the proprietor of a cattle ranching operation.
With her sons and their families, she owned and operated the Massey Ranch, located in Unaweep Canyon between Uravan and Gateway.
Mary Elizabeth (Buthorn) Price
She was born in Grand Junction, Colorado. Her mother was Alice Elizabeth (Bittinger) Buthorn of Iowa. Her father was William Frederick Buthorn, a German immigrant and owner of the prominent La Court Hotel on Main Street in the early and mid-Twentieth century. She had a twin sister named Willa Maude. While in high school she played in the orchestra, sang for school clubs, and was a member of the Spanish Club. They grew up living in the LaCourt Hotel and then in a private residence. She graduated from Grand Junction High School in 1927. The 1930 U.S. Census shows her as a single lodger in the La Court working as a hotel clerk. She completed a course in hotel management in 1935. She married Earl Randolph Price. The 1940 U.S. Census shows her married and working as a bookkeeper. She was a family friend of Walter Walker.