
Collection for person entities.


Mauri Nottingham
Maurice Myles "Mauri" Nottingham was born 5 January 1930 on the family ranch along Buck Creek in Avon, Colorado. He passed away on 28 February 2018 at 88 years of age. His parents, Marie Cole and Harry A. Nottingham, were some of the earliest ranchers in the Eagle River Valley. Nottingham had an innate love of skiing and taught himself to ski on equipment purchased from a Montgomery Ward catalog. In 1952, Nottingham graduated from Eagle County High School in Gypsum and subsequently attended the University of Colorado in Boulder. While pursuing a degree in electrical engineering, Nottingham met his wife, Nancy Waring, who was a fellow student. Nottingham taught math at the university while earning an M.S. in Applied Mathematics. Eventually, the Nottinghams moved back to Eagle County and built the Talisman Lodge of Vail in 1968. Mauri founded "We Recycle," the first recycling program in Eagle County. In 1994, Nottingham was named the Eagle Valley Citizen of the Year and the Town of Vail developed the Mauri Nottingham Excellence in Environmental Sustainability Scholarship in his honor. In honor of his pioneering family, Nottingham authored "A Nottingham Family History." He also donated the family's player-piano to the Eagle County Historical Society museum in Eagle. Nancy and Mauri Nottingham have 3 daughters: Kim, Tamra and Shelley.
Maurine Barrows Johnson
Maurine Barrows moved to Steamboat Springs, Colorado with her husband, Raymond Barrows in 1951. A long-time and well-loved teacher of young children, she first taught at the Moon Hill Schoolhouse and in later years at the Soda Creek Elementary School.
Max Augustus Sisson Jr.
He was born to Max A. Sisson Sr. and Kathryn Justina (Tubridy) Sisson in Syracuse, New York. His father was a grocery store merchant. His mother was a homemaker. The 1920 US Census shows the family living in the town of Mexico, New York, when Max Jr. was seven years old. By 1930, the census shows the family living in Platteville, Colorado, in Weld County. There, Max Sr. managed a dry goods store. Max Jr. attended Colorado Agricultural College in Fort Collins (now Colorado State University), graduating in 1934. He studied Technical Entomology. While in college he was involved in Gymnastics (captain of the team), Band, Kappa Kappa Psi (served as president), Beta Beta Beta, Alpha Zeta, and the Entomology Club (served as president). In May 1935, he was assigned as an entomologist by Colorado Agricultural College to work in the peach mosaic program in Mesa County. He came to Palisade that year. He was a vital part of successful efforts to control peach mosaic virus. He married Dorothy M. Stotlar in Grand Junction on December 27, 1937. The 1940 census shows them living in east Palisade with their infant son, with Max Jr. working as a field entomologist for the US Department of Agriculture. In 1950, he continued in the same job, with the census showing the addition of a daughter. He worked until retirement for the USDA, covering Delta, Mesa, and Montrose Counties, and then came out of retirement to work for the Colorado Department of Agriculture. He also farmed several acres of fruit. The USDA awarded him its Outstanding Performance Award in 1968. He was then honored as the Federal employee of the year in 1969 by the Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce. He was on the Federal Land Board from 1958 to 1977, and served as president and chairman of the board. He was on the board of the Palisades National Bank. He played the trumpet and was a gymnast who helped gymnasts at Palisade High School. He was a member of the Palisade Lions Club, Palisade Masonic Lodge, and Elks Lodge No. 575. Fellow farmers remember him as someone who truly cared about and worked for local agriculture. He died of blood clots caused by a broken leg, suffered while working in his orchard, at the age of 76. *Photograph of Max A. Sisson Jr. from the 1934 Colorado Agricultural College yearbook
Max Cozadd
Contributor to "Out of the Blue and Into the Sun," (source: Out of the Blue and Into the Sun: A Gunnison Valley Journal)
