Collection for person entities.
Milo M. Morse
He was born in Illinois. He moved with his two brothers, wife and family from Red Oaks, Iowa to Grand Junction, Colorado in 1905. He was a farmer, and hardware and farm implement dealer.
Milt Bryan
Born to Billy and Henrietta (Overstreet) Bryan in 1915. (Source: Centennial Article "Milt Bryan")
Minnie (Beer) Hall
She and her husband Lewis Hall had one of the first families to settle in the Gateway, Colorado area. Also, she established and ran the first post office there.
Minnie (Crouse) Rasmussen
She was born to Charlie Crouse and Mary (Law) Crouse in Browns Park, where Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming meet. Her father had served in the Civil War and then come West, working as bullwhacker and freighter for railroad construction outfits. He ended up in Green River City, Wyoming, and then bought a horse ranch in Browns Park, Colorado. Her mother was from a pioneering Mormon family.
She grew up as a youthful friend to African-American cowboy Isam Dart and as an acquaintance of Butch Cassidy, whose hideout was nearby. Her father would send a messenger ahead to Cassidy’s hideout if he saw lawmen approaching. The family went to nearby Rock Springs, Wyoming for supplies twice a year. She was educated by tutors, then sent to a Catholic boarding school in Iowa in 1891, when she was nine. She returned home permanently when she was eighteen. In his article "The Legendary Minnie Crouse Rasmussen", based on his oral history interviews with her, Tennant describes Minnie at this age as a stunning redhead (The Daily Sentinel, June 26, 1983, p. 12).
When her mother died, she and her father homesteaded at Grindstone Park in Wyoming. Her father died in 1906, and she built the cabin and finished proving up the claim by herself. She kept touch with an old family friend, John Jarvie, who owned a general store in Bridgepoint. They read and shared the same books. When he was murdered, she left the area for nearby Linwood, Utah, on the Wyoming border.
She was in her mid-twenties and ran a boarding house with Mrs. Marius Larsen. She married Knudt Ronholdt in 1915. They had a daughter before divorcing in 1919. She became the postmaster of the town in 1917, when she was about thirty-five years old, and held the position until 1952. She married the proprietor of the general store where the post office was located, George Rasmussen, in 1924. They were married until his death in 1962, when she was eighty.
When the Flaming Gorge Dam was built, Linwood was slated to be inundated with water, and she burnt down her hotel rather than have it moved to higher ground. She then moved with her dauther in Arizona. She died at the age of ninety-nine.