Merv Lapin - vintage photograph of Russian grandfather
Photograph entitled (in Russian language): "Jews of Lower Ranks of Service 1900 at Krasnoyarsk's Regiment. Photographed on Easter, April 1, 1903." Merv Lapin's grandfather, “Lapichinsky” (Israel Lapin) is seated at the table, 1st row, 3rd from right. The Russian text was interpreted by Natasha Williams.
Russian language interpreter, Natasha Williams, Ph.D., commented on the Lapin family tradition that Israel Lapichinski was in the Lithuanian Army: "I don't think that the picture is of Lithuanian Army. I think it's Russian Army, because Krasnoyarsk is a big city in Siberia (I've been there), and this army division/regiment is named after that place." Williams, who is a self-described "ethnic Russian" and Colorado Mountain College biology professor, hails from the Ukraine., Russian language interpreter, Natasha Williams, Ph.D., also interpreted the three rows of surnames below the vintage image:
Top row: Bauman, Smol'ski, Kousnerzhitski, Vishtinetski, Elinevski, Lazarski, Keipin, Dounski.
Middle row: (the first name is truncated), Smychek, Groukhovski, Gol'dshtein, Sapotzkinski, Shraiber.
Bottom row: Likhtenshtein, Bransgols, Kaplan, Lapichinski, Gibyanski, Abramaitis.