Vail Area History


Two Elk Lodge 2009
The Two Elk Lodge and Restaurant atop Vail Mountain was destroyed by arson on 19 October 1998. The Lodge was subsequently rebuilt. This image is courtesy of the building's architectural firm Zehren and Associates., Zehren and Associates Office Manager, Tami Brown, facilitated Vail Public Library's request for a Two Elk Lodge image.
Vail Players - 1966 "Curse You, Sterling Finesoul" Program Cover
This is the program front cover for the Vail Players 1966 melodrama entitled, "Curse You, Sterling Finesoul." The Vail Players theatre group operated between 1966 and 1971 with its season running between June and October. John Dobson wrote and directed the melodramas. Vail community members covered all aspects of the production. Vail Players productions were often sold out., This artifact is displayed courtesy of the Eagle County Historical Society in Eagle, Colorado.
Vail Players - 1966 "Curse You, Sterling Finesoul" Program and Players
This is the program for the Vail Players 1966 melodrama entitled, "Curse You, Sterling Finesoul." The Vail Players theatre group operated between 1966 and 1971 with its season running between June and October. John Dobson wrote and directed the melodramas. Vail community members covered all aspects of the production. Vail Players productions were often sold out., This artifact is displayed courtesy of the Eagle County Historical Society in Eagle, Colorado.
Vail Players - 1967 "Abner Grubstake's Secret" Program Cover
This is the program front cover for the Vail Players 1967 melodrama entitled, "Abner Grubstake's Secret." The Vail Players theatre group operated between 1966 and 1971 with its season running between June and October. John Dobson wrote and directed the melodramas. Vail community members covered all aspects of the production. Vail Players productions were often sold out., This artifact is displayed courtesy of the Eagle County Historical Society in Eagle, Colorado.
Vail Players - 1967 "Abner Grubstake's Secret" Program and Players
This is the program for the Vail Players 1967 melodrama entitled, "Abner Grubstake's Secret." The Vail Players theatre group operated between 1966 and 1971 with its season running between June and October. John Dobson wrote and directed the melodramas. Vail community members covered all aspects of the production. Vail Players productions were often sold out., This artifact is displayed courtesy of the Eagle County Historical Society in Eagle, Colorado.
Vail Public Library staff and John Fielder
This image was created after a Vail Town Council meeting held 19 October 2021. The Town Council read a National Friends of Libraries Week proclamation in honor of the Vail Public Library. Lori Barnes, Director of Library Services at Vail Public Library (VPL), gave an overview of the behind-the-scenes community service work performed by the library and the Cultural Heritage Committee of the Town of Vail. The Town Council also honored Colorado photographer, John Fielder, who lives in Summit County. Fielder spoke of creating his exceptional landscape image and mural that graces the east wall of the Vail Town Council chambers. Spearheaded by Molly Eppard, TOV Art in Public Places Director, the Fielder mural creation features a rare view of the Gore Range. Front - center: Lori Barnes - Director of Library Services at VPL Back row, left to right: Lynn Albers - VPL Local History and Ethnobotany Specialist, Judy Turtlebaub - Friends of VPL representative, John Fielder, Jo Norris - VPL Senior Librarian/Technical Services, and Cathy Holonitch, R.N. - VPL Library Associate extraordinaire., This image was captured by Mia Vlaar, TOV Economic Development Director, on 19 October 2021.
Vail Public Library: 1976 Children's Parade - no. 2
Young patrons of Vail Public Library carry five placards during Vail's1976 Independence Day parade. The staging area is the base of Vail Mountain. The far left placard reads: "VPL Salutes BEN FRANKLIN Library Founder." A central placard reads: "VPL Summer Reading Club.", This image is no. 2 of 5.
Vail Public Library: 1976 Children's Parade - no. 3
Two young patriots, and Vail Public Library patrons, are featured during the 1976 Independence Day parade in Vail. One of the children carries a placard saying: "VPL Salutes BEN FRANKLIN Library Founder.", This image is no. 3 of 5.
Vail Public Library: 1976 Children's Parade - no. 4
Three young patriots, and Vail Public Library patrons, are featured during Vail's 1976 Independence Day parade. One of the children carries a placard saying: "VPL Salutes BEN FRANKLIN Library Founder.", This image is no. 4 of 5.
Vail Public Library: 1976 Children's Parade - no. 5
Children from the Vail Public Library Summer Reading Club prepare to march in Vail's 1976 Independence Day parade. Two of the five placards note: "VPL Salutes BEN FRANKLIN Library Founder" and "VPL Summer Reading Club.", This image is no. 5 of 5.
Vail Rugby Football Club: VRFC 40 Year Reunion Video
Brimming with action images from the 1970s and 1980s, this historic video reflects the athleticism and comradery of the Vail Rugby Football Club (VRFC). The video was created by Jerry Stevens in celebration of the 40th reunion of the founding of VRFC.
Vail Social & Community Potluck 2024
Locals and guests alike enjoyed a beautiful late summer day socializing in Vail Village. The photo is by Kim McNally, Director of Library Services at Vail Public Library.
