Telluride Oral Histories


Elbert Gustafson's Photograph
A photograph of Elbert Gustafson, taken during his oral history interview on 04/16/1991.
Elbert Short's Genealogy Survey
The genealogy survey for Elbert Short, taken at the time of his oral history interview (09/08/1991).
Elbert Short's Oral History Interview
Elbert Short was interviewed by Linda Luther on 9/8/1991, about his life in Sawpit/Placerville, Redvale, Woods Lake, and other areas near there, in Colorado.
Elbert Short's Oral History Interview Transcript
Elbert Short was interviewed on 9/8/1991, by Linda Luther, about his life, growing up near Telluride, Colorado. This is the transcript for this interview.
Ella Pilcher's Oral History
An oral history interview with Ella Pilcher in June of 1979 in Telluride, Colorado, about Ella's life. The interviewer is unknown.
Ella Pilcher's Oral History Transcript
Ella Pilcher's oral history recording transcript.
Elmer & Perina Rantas' Oral History Interview
Elmer & Perina Ranta's oral history interview. Davine Pera interviews Elmer and Perina about their lives in Telluride, Colorado.
Elmer & Perina Rantas' Oral History Transcript
The transcript for Elmer & Perina Ranta's oral history interview, that took place 9/14/1990.
Elmer Ranta's Genealogy Survey
Elmer Ranta's Genealogy Survey, probably taken at the time of his oral history interview (09/14/1990).
Elmer Ranta's Obituary Photograph
Elmer Ranta's obituary photograph.
Elvira Wunderlich & Irene Visintin's Oral History Interview by School Children Transcript
In 1980, school children interviewed Elvira Wunderlich & Irene Visintin. This is the transcript for that recording.
Elvira Wunderlich's Genealogy Survey
Elvira Wunderlich's genealogy survey, taken at the time of her oral history interview (11/20/1989).
