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Routt County Digital Archive
Three Wire Winter Oral History and Magazine Collections
Issue #06, Fall 1977 - Three Wire Winter Collection
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Oral Histories from Issue #06, Fall 1977
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Issue #06, Fall 1977 - Bud Hurd Interview, Part 1
Bud Hurd describes people and events in the history of Hahns Peak in addition to providing information about the Hahns Peak Cemetery.
Issue #06, Fall 1977 - Bud Hurd Interview, Part 2
Bud Hurd describes people and events in the history of Hahns Peak, Colorado
Issue #06, Fall 1977 - Jeff Steber and Monte Bell Interview
Jeff Steber and Monte Bell talk about their experiences with hang gliding, a brief history of the subject, and recount adventures they have had while in the sky.
Issue #06, Fall 1977 - Katherene (Davis) Harwig Interview
Katherene Davis Harwig is interviewed by Kirk Williams and Tanna Brock about the history and management of Harwigs Saddlery and Western Wear.
Issue #06, Fall 1977 - Lewis Phillips Interview
Lewis Phillips describes the history of the Yampa Cemetery and relates stories about some of the people buried there.
Issue #06, Fall 1977 - Mabel Myers Interview, Part 1
Mabel Myers is interviewed by Cindy Sandelin and Bill McKelvie about her family moving to Oak Creek in a covered wagon and her early life there.
Issue #06, Fall 1977 - Mabel Myers Interview, Part 2
Mabel Myers and her daughter, Thelma Myers Clark talk with Cindy Sandelin about early mining in Oak Creek.
Issue #06, Fall 1977 - Vernon Summer Interview, Part 1
Vernon Summer talks about his family's history and the early days of Sidney, Colorado.
Issue #06, Fall 1977 - Vernon Summer Interview, Part 2
Vernon Summer describes the history of Sidney, Colorado, and how the arrival of the railroad affected the development of that part of Routt County.